This blog has been really quiet, so I thought I'd add a short story.
It's about a bus ride I took in my home country actually, but since I was moving from one place to another, I'll consider this a travel story. Here it goes:
Back home in Singapore, I've been working ridiculously long hours, averaging a good 12-16hrs in the office each day. It was a day where I had slept just 2 hours the night before, and had gotten on the 0615hrs bus to reach office by 0700hrs.
I was really tired and I just took the first available seat on the first level of the double decker bus. 10 seconds after I sat down, I felt the most foul smell invade my nostrils... I must say this is unusual as I have a perpetually blocked nose and my sense of smell is not the most sensitive.

I looked at the other passengers in the bus (not many, about 5 or so... it was early), and they seemed to be behaing normally. The first thought that came to my mind was whether I had stepped on some dogpoo on the way to the bus stop, and wondering if the other passengers were experiencing the stench... I looked around the bus this time and to my amusement, there was this f*#ing ginormous pile of shit on the floor 3m from where I was seated, at the standing area!!!
It's about a bus ride I took in my home country actually, but since I was moving from one place to another, I'll consider this a travel story. Here it goes:
Back home in Singapore, I've been working ridiculously long hours, averaging a good 12-16hrs in the office each day. It was a day where I had slept just 2 hours the night before, and had gotten on the 0615hrs bus to reach office by 0700hrs.
I was really tired and I just took the first available seat on the first level of the double decker bus. 10 seconds after I sat down, I felt the most foul smell invade my nostrils... I must say this is unusual as I have a perpetually blocked nose and my sense of smell is not the most sensitive.

I looked at the other passengers in the bus (not many, about 5 or so... it was early), and they seemed to be behaing normally. The first thought that came to my mind was whether I had stepped on some dogpoo on the way to the bus stop, and wondering if the other passengers were experiencing the stench... I looked around the bus this time and to my amusement, there was this f*#ing ginormous pile of shit on the floor 3m from where I was seated, at the standing area!!!
I went straight up the stairs to the second deck, and realised I was now wide awake despite my fatigue from lack of sleep.
The following thoughts then flashed across my mind:
1. How does it get SO BIG (animals are not allowed on buses in Singapore)?
2. How did it get there so early in the morning?
Early morning mystery to start the day... a lot better than thinking about the stresses of work when I alight from this ride.